Referral Program Terms

Effective Date: June 21st, 2022

These Referral Program Terms are additional terms that apply if you use the FeetFinder referral program (“FeetFinder Referral Program”). These Referral Program Terms form part of your agreement with us.

  1. Definitions.In these Referral Program Terms, defined terms have the same meanings given to them in the Seller Agreement. In addition:
    1. “Referring User”means “you” or “your;” and
    2. “Referred Seller”means the person who joins the Website as a Seller via the Referring User's unique referral link.
  2. FeetFinder Referral Program.FeetFinder offers a referral program by which existing users can introduce people who are interested in becoming Sellers on the Website and receive referral payments from FeetFinder that are calculated and limited as described in these terms.

  3. FeetFinder Referral Program Rules

    1. Only users with a current user account can participate in the FeetFinder Referral Program. If a user's account has been suspended or terminated by us for any reason or deleted by the user, that user will not be eligible to participate in the FeetFinder Referral Program.

    2. You will need on your user account page to add a bank account or payment method details of your bank account or payment method to receive referral payments under the FeetFinder Referral Program.

    3. Each user has a unique referral link (which can be accessed via your user account) that the user may share with others. When sharing your unique referral link, you must not impersonate FeetFinder or give the impression that your referral link is being shared or promoted by us. You must not use Google Ads or any similar advertising platform or search engine advertising service to share or promote your unique referral link. On our request, you must disclose the methods by which you share your unique referral link in the Bio/Website field of your FeetFinder account.

    4. The Referred Seller must click on your unique referral link and then register with the Website using the same browser that they used to click on your unique referral link. If someone registers with the Website other than by using your unique referral link, we will not link that account to your referral and no referral payments will be made to you.

    5. The Referred Seller must not have opened a user account with the Website (whether under the same name or another name) before clicking on your unique referral link. If the Referred Seller is currently or has previously been a user on the Website, no referral payments will be made to you for the referral.

    6. If the Referred Seller sets up more than one user account, we will make referral payments to you on the earnings made by the Referred Seller from their first user account only. No referral payments will be made to you on any further user accounts set up by the Referred Seller.

    7. We will not pay any referral payments to you on any referral of a Referred Seller that we determine is owned or operated by you or is in a commercial relationship with you. You will provide any information that we request to enable us to determine whether the Referred Seller is owned or operated by you or if there is a commercial relationship between you and the Referred Seller.

    8. When promoting the Website in any way as a Referring User, (i) you will not give a false impression of the Website, the services, programs, and content (including Seller Content) made available through the Website, its users, or the Website's Terms of Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement; and (ii) you will not make any statements that suggest to a potential Seller that the potential Seller will make a particular sum of money (or any money) from their use of the Website, or any statements regarding the likely number of Buyers.It is illegal for FeetFinder or for a participant in the FeetFinder Referral Program (including Referring Users and Referred Sellers) to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join the FeetFinder Referral Program. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved from participation in the FeetFinder Referral Program.

  4. Referral Payments

    1. Referral Payment Calculation; Cost of Referral Payment.Once a Referred Seller has become a registered user of the Website according to the rules of the FeetFinder Referral Program described above, FeetFinder will pay the Referring User a referral payment equal to 10% of Buyer Payments generated by the Referred Seller. FeetFinder, not the Referred Seller, bears the cost of the referral payment. Example: User A shares referral link with User B. User B signs up with User A's link. User B makes a sale for $100. User B makes $80 (80%), User A makes $10 (10%).

    2. Taxes.All referral payments payable to you by us are inclusive of any Tax.

    3. Payouts.To be able to receive referral payments, you must first choose one of the payout methods provided by the Website in your country of residence. The referral payments due to you on Buyer Payments made to the Referred Seller in a calendar month will be transferred to you on or around the first day of the next calendar month (which means, for example, that referral payments due to you with respect to Buyer Payments made to the Referred Seller in October will be paid to you on or around November 1st).

  5. FeetFinder's Rights relating to the Referral Program

    1. If referral payments have been made incorrectly, we have the right to recover the wrongly paid sums from the user to whom the wrongly paid sums have been paid.

    2. We may request you or Referred Sellers or both to provide us with ID and other information reasonably required by us to verify any referral payment to be made and the person to whom any referral payment should be made. Failure to provide any information requested by us may lead to you losing your entitlement to referral payments for the relevant Referred Seller.

    3. We may change any aspect of the FeetFinder Referral Program (including how referral payments are calculated) or discontinue the FeetFinder Referral Program at any time, but no change will deprive any Referring User of referral payments already earned based on Buyer Payments made to Referred Sellers before the changes take effect.

  6. Circumstances under which we may withhold referral payments

    1. We may withhold any part of the referral payments due to the Referring User but not yet paid out: (i) if we think that you have or may have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement; (ii) if you attempt or threaten to breach any part of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement in a way that has or could have serious consequences for us or another user (including actual or possible loss caused to us or another user); or (iii) if we suspect that any part of the referral payments due to you result from unlawful or fraudulent activity, either by you, by the Buyer who made the Buyer Payment to the Referred Seller that resulted in the referral payment, or by the Referred Seller to whom the Buyer Payment was made that resulted in the referral payment, for as long as is necessary to investigate the actual, threatened, or suspected breach(es) by you or the suspected unlawful or fraudulent activity (as applicable). If after our investigation, we conclude that (i) you have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or Seller Agreement; (ii) you have attempted or threatened to breach any part of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or Seller Agreement in a way that has or could have serious consequences for us or another user (including actual or possible loss caused to us or another user); or (iii) any part of referral payments due to you result from unlawful or fraudulent activity, we may notify you that you have forfeited all or part of your referral payments.

    2. We may also withhold all or par of the referral payments due to you but not yet paid out if we receive notice that you have secured, encumbered, pledged, assigned, or otherwise allowed a lien to be placed on, referral payments. We are not required to pay referral payments to third-party lienholders and may withhold payment of Seller Earnings until the lien has been removed.

    3. We will not have any responsibility to you if we withhold or forfeit any payment due to you under the FeetFinder Referral Program where we have a right to do so under these Referral Program Terms.

    4. If we are withholding any part of the referral payments due to you and we determine that part of the referral payments withheld by us is unrelated to breaches by you of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement or suspected unlawful or fraudulent activity, then we may arrange for you to be paid the part of the referral payments that is unrelated to breaches by you of the Terms-of-Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement or suspected unlawful or fraudulent activity. However, if we consider that your breach(es) of the T Terms-of-Service Agreement or the Seller Agreement has or may cause us loss, we may withhold all referral payments due to you but not yet paid and we may set off those amounts against any losses suffered by us.

FeetFinder is the most convenient website for verified users to buy or sell custom foot content in a safe and secure environment.

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Version 2.2.3

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